Ear CandyHaving recently lost someone dear – this video rendition of the song brought a smile to my face as I remembered the joyful times we shared together with her – and a reminder of the importance of making that time to share with loved ones. Electronic DJ trio Cash Cash has released a new song […]
Geeking-OutCreating a plan, setting boundaries, and creating a suitable environment are all key components of helping us stay focused and on track. In this blog post, “the order expert” Rashelle Isp, a professional organizer and productivity consultant, outlines an eight-step process on how to get things done that may be beneficial to help us stress […]
Words of WisdomAnything you believe you have to do or become before you can be free is a denial and distraction from the truth that you are already free. Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect. Alan Cohen
Tips & ToolsDaniel Pink sharing tips on how to capture your great ideas and still get work done. Balancing the urgency of getting stuff done today with the importance of generating ideas for tomorrow. Learn more from Daniel Pink himself on this recent Pinkcast.
Geeking-OutWho loves a good book? I know I do and I get lost in audiobooks on a regular basis – and strongly agree with this authors article posted on edsurge.com. The columnist shares “Audiobooks are for everyone—the busy professional who wants to enjoy a story on their commute, an active kid who can’t (or won’t) […]
Words of Wisdom“When you read a book, the story definitely takes place in your head. When you listen, it seems to happen in a little cloud all around it, like a fuzzy knit cap pulled down over your eyes.” ― Robin Sloan- Author
Tips & ToolsThe positivepsychology.com site has an abundant amount of research materials and resources. This week I found myself investigating ways that I can feel better rested in the mornings. I came across this article released in early February that included a recommendation for 3 audios and 4 podcasts to help you sleep. In the article, they […]
Praise Our PeepsAre you looking for an active and family-friendly getaway? Let us recommend joining the Sierra Nevada Journeys for Family Camp held at Grizzly Creek Ranch, Portola, Calif. Over the years our YDN team has enjoyed the camping experience with a number of our youth programs with positive results. Considering an outing for your team? Reach […]
Ear CandyThis song has me cranking up the volume, when I’m at home I’m dancing around my living room and when I’m in the car I’m tapping my steering wheel and singing out loud – can you see it? Moving and grooving like no one’s watching! “Everybody got a small town anthem, everybody got a story […]