Ear Candy “Square Root of Possible ” performed by Madalen Mills from the Netflix Original Film, ‘Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey’. Such an inspirational song, part of a beautiful movie and I loved this song. It’s so possibleWatch me rise high above my obstaclesWatch me become who I’m supposed to beOh, the possibilitiesDon’t tell me it’s too far to […]
Words of Wisdom“JOY does not simply happen to us. We have to CHOOSE JOY and keep choosing it every day.” — Henri Nouwen —
Ear CandyOne of my favorite authors produces a video blog that I’ve been enjoying for a while now. The Pinkcast episodes are short videos with science-based tools and tips for working smarter and living better. The recent edition was exactly what I needed this month, sharing a few tips on maintaining your creative flow. Enjoy. Pinkcast […]
Words of Wisdom“You Can’t Use Up Creativity, the More You Use the More You Have” — Maya Angelou —
Tips & ToolsQuick! What’s the strongest and fastest muscle in the human body?No, it’s not your legs. It’s your eyes1,2. In simple terms, six eye muscles are constantly moving to readjust your eyeball so you can see. In just one hour of reading, the eye makes almost 10,000 coordinated movements2. So, it’s no surprise they need some […]
Praise Our PeepsNew board members bring deep understanding of asset-based engagement to the forum. YDN is pleased to announce the appointment of four new and one returning member to its board of directors. This brings the number of board members to eleven. Each of these individuals brings an abundance of experience and passion to the table and […]
Geeking-OutJasmine Guillory & Alisha Rai:Women Authors of Color Reinventing the Romance NovelREGISTER TODAY! A Virtual EventTuesday, November 16, 20215:30 – 6:30 p.m. Award-winning authors Jasmine Guillory and Alisha Rai are helping to lead a national movement to redefine the romance genre. Helpless damsels in distress are OUT and diverse women working for social change are […]
Words of WisdomTo make a difference in someone’s life you don’t have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful, or perfect. You just have to care. Mandy Hale – Author
Tips & ToolsRaising a child with ADHD isn’t like traditional childrearing. Normal rule-making and household routines can become almost impossible, depending on the type and severity of your child’s symptoms, so you’ll need to adopt different approaches. Fostering the development of a child with ADHD means that you will have to modify your behavior and learn to manage […]
Ear CandySiobhan Miller – a Scottish folk singer, BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards Nominee 2018: Folk Singer Of The Year. I recently happened upon her second solo album ‘Strata. The song I’ve enjoyed most is her version of “What You Do With What You’ve Got”. Check it out here! Access the full album here.
CrecientePraise Our PeepsAs we acknowledge Hispanic Heritage Month we are pleased to introduce the second cohort of 16 amazing Fellows that are engaged in the current program series (July 2021- February 2022). We are also pleased to share a list of the program’s first cohort of 16 amazing Fellows – (February – July 2021) who have graduated and now serve on the […]
Geeking-OutSocial-Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. There are 5 main components of Social Emotional Learning: Self Awareness: Understanding yourself Self Management: Controlling impulses, stress, and emotions […]