Tips & Tools

Amplify Student Voice

How can media be used as a tool to ignite action and change perspectives for your students? In this one-hour webinar, PBS focuses on student voice and explores ways in which educators can use media to support and amplify students who are on their own anti-racist-learning journey.

Words of Wisdom

Weekly WOW

Chorus of the Captains Today we honor our three captainsFor their actions and impact inA time of uncertainty and needThey’ve taken the lead,Exceeding all expectations and limitations,Uplifting their communities and neighborsAs leaders, healers and educators. Read the whole poem here.

Words of Wisdom

Weekly WOW

Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see. Arthur Schopenhauer.

Tips & Tools

How To Talk To Your Kids About Work During The Pandemic

An activity and a discussion guide by Jacqueline Zeller Admit it. You did not think we would be in a quarantine situation for this long. Truth is it looks like we will be on the runway waiting for take-off a lot longer than any of us fathomed way back in March of this year. Our children are […]

Praise Our Peeps

Woodland is going BIG for its young people – Get ready for a Master Plan

Three cheers for the City of Woodland for embarking on the journey of creating a Citywide Youth Master Plan that will bring together key youth serving services and systems to advance the development of its cities youth into adulthood. “Key elements of the Youth Master Plan would include engaging “key stakeholders” throughout the community, establishing and promoting […]

Ear Candy

Charlie Brown’s Holiday Hits – Performed by Vince Guaraldi Trio

At the risk of being judged and having to give my Bad A** Music Listener Card back I have to confess that I have a soft spot for anything Charlie Brown. When I came across this beautiful collection of some of my favorite Charlie Brown holiday jingles it was love at first listen. I am literally listening […]


What A Biden Presidency Could Mean For Education

Heard on NPR Morning Edition “The education secretary wields oversight on issues of discrimination, segregation and bias through the Office for Civil Rights. During her controversial tenure, the current secretary, Betsy DeVos, made headlines for rolling back rights for students who are transgender, and for guidance on racially discriminatory discipline. Pringle said her union will be looking to Biden’s […]

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