Words of Wisdom December 4, 2021
Words of Wisdom - December 7, 2021
Curated by Vicki Stockbridge
“JOY does not simply happen to us. We have to CHOOSE JOY and keep choosing it every day.”
— Henri Nouwen —
Words of Wisdom December 4, 2021
Curated by Vicki Stockbridge
“JOY does not simply happen to us. We have to CHOOSE JOY and keep choosing it every day.”
— Henri Nouwen —
Labor Day family camp and summer camp registration are open for 2023. Sierra Nevada Journeys, a longtime YDN partner, turns summer camp into a powerful, enriching experience as campers are immersed into the outdoors....
Rihanna shook the world when she announced she would be preforming at Super Bowl Half Time Show! This past Sunday she gave a show filled with all her fan favorites! In case you missed it, watch it here!...
A major part of our work at YDN is working towards social justice. Each and every person deserves to feel safe, culturally, emotionally, and physically. Violence motivated by racism, misogyny, and hatred takes safety away from so many people.We cannot continue our work until we acknowledge...
“If the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it is the importance of knowing what matters most in our lives, personally and professionally. For many business leaders, it is not so much about what we can achieve, but rather how we want to act in the...