Words of Wisdom December 4, 2021
Words of Wisdom - December 7, 2021
Curated by Vicki Stockbridge
“JOY does not simply happen to us. We have to CHOOSE JOY and keep choosing it every day.”
— Henri Nouwen —
Words of Wisdom December 4, 2021
Curated by Vicki Stockbridge
“JOY does not simply happen to us. We have to CHOOSE JOY and keep choosing it every day.”
— Henri Nouwen —
Take a look at our too dope all about memory and the way we interact with each other through our individual and cultural memories....
“I Love to Laugh” from the movie “Mary Poppins” is a whimsical and joyful song featuring Ed Wynn, Julie Andrews, and Dick Van Dyke. Set in the magical world of Mary Poppins, the song is a celebration of the simple and contagious pleasure of laughter....
“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. it’s what we do consistently.”– Tony Robbins...
Residente and Jessie Reyes This song is for all of those who miss that special someone with whom they no longer share their lives. Love stays even when we walk away. Residente has morphed into the Latino poet of our time....