Words of Wisdom December 1, 2020
Weekly WOW
Curated by Adrian Ruiz
Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see. Arthur Schopenhauer.
Words of Wisdom December 1, 2020
Curated by Adrian Ruiz
Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see. Arthur Schopenhauer.
My favorite punk-rock band of the moment happens to have a drummer who is 11 years old. These four young women hold their own as they deliver songs like Racist Sexist Boy, Cuántas Veces, and Talking To Myself. Ain’t no power like the power of the...
“Laughter is one of the best medicines around for relieving stress and for creating a more healthy spirit. And, one of the greatest aspects is that it is totally free and can be done by anyone.”...
This weeks books selection explores the distinct characteristics, values, and experiences of different generations and their potential impact on the future of America. Drawing on extensive research and analysis, the book delves into the unique traits and formative events that have shaped each generation, including their...
The COVID-19 pandemic has up-ended the regular school experience for nearly 2 billion young people worldwide. At the same time, communities are confronting the insidious realities of systemic racism and grappling with how it shows up in schools. Both crises demand we step into a new...