Ear Candy January 25, 2021
Grow As We Go - Ben Platt
Curated by Nicoda Adams
Ben Platt’s “Grow As We Go” shares a tale of a journey of personal growth that can also be done with those close to you. Check it out here.
Ear Candy January 25, 2021
Curated by Nicoda Adams
Ben Platt’s “Grow As We Go” shares a tale of a journey of personal growth that can also be done with those close to you. Check it out here.
As we step into the new year, my family and I are committed to prioritizing exercising together. While the beginning might pose challenges, the article “Exercise Benefits for Your Family” illuminates numerous reasons to embrace physical activity as a family, highlighting its positive impact on memory,...
After a challenging year of pandemic schooling, these activities help students reflect on what they’ve learned and look forward to what’s coming next. Despite the numerous challenges that came with pandemic schooling, this article shares positive and creative ways many teachers have found to help students...
Leave it to the big brains at Carnegie Mellon University to come up with innovative ways to use the power of AI to help students write better....
“The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do.” – Kobe Bryant...