Words of Wisdom
Language has no independent existence apart from the people who use it. It is not an end in itself; it is a means to an end of understanding who you are and what society is like.
Language has no independent existence apart from the people who use it. It is not an end in itself; it is a means to an end of understanding who you are and what society is like.
Communication development takes time and is more involved than just learning new vocabulary. Whether you’re wanting to pick up a new language or are on track to becoming a polyglot yourself, here are a few tips Blake Anderson has picked up on his language-learning journey.
We’ve had the opportunity to partner with Casa de Español on behalf of the Creciente Latinx Leadership Program more than once, and it would be impossible for me to write a Too Dope about language without giving them a shout-out.
The soundtrack for Season 2 of Arcane, a Netflix show created in partnership with Riot Games, features 22 new songs from a wide range of internationally renowned artists, is a wonderful case study on how people can still understand the intent of a song without understanding the language it is sung in, going as far as making up new languages for the soundtrack.
Occasionally when I get the chance to work with a group of middle school students, they’ll use words or phrases that clearly mean more to them than they do to anyone else in the room.
“All the best things are human.”
Reconnecting with our history and ancient cultures as a wellness practice can be incredibly difficult for some of us. This article from The Jackie O. Life explores how through nature, we can reclaim our power and become active citizens in the physical world, we can also be active participants in our own well-being.
It’s hard to talk about classical studies without also mentioning how exclusionary the discipline has been. There are many efforts underway across the field of Classics to confront the longtime and damaging exclusion of underrepresented groups, especially Black and other people of color, from the field.
Hozier was in Sacramento a few weeks ago (he puts on an excellent show) and while it wasn’t on his set list, Talk includes lots of allusions to classical mythology, specifically the story of Orpheus and Euridice.
We can consider this the KAOS edition of Too Dope Not to Share, but since I haven’t officially finished the Netflix series I can’t claim to be Geeking Out about it. Instead, what is shared this week will be closely related to Mythology, ancient studies, and how we are connected across time.
“What would life be? Without a song or a dance, what are we? So I say thank you for the music, for giving it to me.”
With intentionality on our side, there are some things we can do to actually listen to, and enjoy, music more.