Ear Candy“I Love to Laugh” from the movie “Mary Poppins” is a whimsical and joyful song featuring Ed Wynn, Julie Andrews, and Dick Van Dyke. Set in the magical world of Mary Poppins, the song is a celebration of the simple and contagious pleasure of laughter.
Ear CandyIf you know me you know that my musical taste covers everything from hip-hop to reggae to alternative and punk. Lately, my late-night drives are filled with Fontaines D.C., an Irish post-punk band formed in Dublin around 2014.
Ear CandyGold Plated is a 1976 album by the Climax Blues Band, (originally Climax Chicago Blues Band) from Stafford, England. One of the leading lights of the late 1960s UK blues boom, the sound is similar to Atlanta Rhythm Section or Steely Dan.