Words of Wisdom December 6, 2022
Words of Wisdom
Curated by Trao Thao
“Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
– A. A. Milne
Words of Wisdom December 6, 2022
Curated by Trao Thao
“Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
– A. A. Milne
If you’re looking to get a little more music in your life this summer you should absolutely check out this Summer Music Series, facilitated by local Music Therapist Elizabeth Mendez. There will be three different topics offered in this series, including Songwriting, one for ages 9-13...
Summer may seem far away, but it is right around the corner as many of us are experiencing fresh flower blooms around us. As you may have guessed, many summer programs, are preparing for an engaging 2022 summer, and have already opened enrollment.Our young people need...
Sacramento’s Latino Center of Art and Culture brings new life to a landmark, continuing its vital celebration of heritage. “The work is never done when it comes to running a nonprofit arts organization, but through the decades the LCAC has evolved from a small bookstore on...
It’s easy to make a difference in the Sacramento region during Big Day of Giving. Donations as small as $15 add up to make a big impact, and can be boosted by prizes and match funds. You can use this website to support the causes you...