The links below include access to resources that have proven to be helpful to youth workers and organizational leaders who work with young people every day or who are looking to develop their team. Also included are links specific to research around Culture & Climate, Building Group Dynamics, and Leadership, in addition to links to other websites that have been found useful to creating life changing experiences.

Organizational Engagement

Beyond Text: Constructing Organizational Identity Multimodally

Organizational scholars have proposed a broad range of theoretical approaches to the study of organizational identity. However, empirical studies on the construct have relied on text-based organizational identity descriptions, with little exploration of multiple intelligences, emotions and individual/collective identity representations. This paper reviews the empirical literature on organizational identity, and proposes a novel method for empirical study using three-dimensional construction toy materials.

The Relationship Between Employee Motivation, Job Satisfaction and Corporation Culture

This study examines the relationships between employee motivation, job satisfaction and corporate culture. It discusses how employees’ perceptions of the organizational culture related directly to their level of job satisfaction and how this correlation can be used to increase employee motivation and job satisfaction, which ultimately determine organizational performance.

Employee Engagement

Research done by Gallup shows that workplaces that focus on employees short comings and weaknesses are far less engaging than those who focus on the strengths and talents of their employees. This lack of engagement leads to a decrease in productivity in the work place and ultimately leads to a loss of impact.

Culture & Climate

The Green Insiders’ Club

This report examines why decades of promises to diversify are falling short in the mainstream environmental movement. It is the most comprehensive report on diversity in the environmental movement. Key report findings include “The Green Ceiling,” unconscious bias, discrimination & insular recruiting, and lackluster effort and disinterest in addressing diversity. Although focused on the mainstream environmental movement, this report is relevant to all providers serving young people in an outdoor capacity.

Penn State – Diversity Awareness

Information and publications to help our understanding of diversity awareness and foster open and positive communication channels. This database includes an overview of diversity awareness, resources, activities for youth and adults, discussion starters and presentations.

Gallup Strengths Center –Strengths Coach’s Playbook

A forum for Gallup experts and outside contributors to share tactics, insights and strategies to help maximize the talents of individuals, teams and organizations everywhere. This site features a weekly updated coaching blog, webcasts, and the most current information on Meetup events.

Gallup Press

Bestselling books from the premier name in analytics and advice. The mission of Gallup Press is to educate and inform the people who govern, manage, teach, and lead the world’s 7 billion citizens. Each book meets Gallup’s requirements of integrity, trust, and independence and is based on Gallup-approved science and research. The impressive Gallup Press catalog consists of more than 30 books on topics such as leadership, strengths, education, jobs, and well-being.

Building Group Dynamics

Employee Engagement

Research done by Gallup shows that workplaces that focus on employees short comings and weaknesses are far less engaging than those who focus on the strengths and talents of their employees. This lack of engagement leads to a decrease in productivity in the work place and ultimately leads to a loss of profit.

Group Dynamics and Behavior

Individuals are always in interaction with other individuals outside, as well as in the group and with the group itself. This is why the social sciences emphasize the importance of group dynamics. Now new items such as cross cultural differences and impacts, migration, social status and identity, demographic diversities, leadership, job performance, motivation, dynamics in sport teams, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), ethics, healthcare have been investigated in the studies on the groups and group dynamics. This study provides general information about the studies on the groups and group dynamics.

How Team Development Interventions Increase Team Success

The rate of teamwork and collaboration within the workforce has burgeoned over the years, and the use of teams is projected to continue increasing. With the rise of teamwork comes the need for interventions designed to enhance teamwork effectiveness. Successful teams produce desired outcomes; however, it is critical that team members demonstrate effective processes to achieve these outcomes. Team development interventions (TDIs) increase effective team competencies and processes, thereby leading to improvements in proximal and distal outcomes. This article provides a review of four types of evidence-based TDIs including team training, leadership training, team building, and team debriefing.

The Impact Of Communication And Group Dynamics On Teamwork Effectiveness

The present study makes an attempt to study the dynamics of teamwork effectiveness, communication and group dynamics across private banks, hotels and retail sector and to ascertain the relative importance of communication and group dynamics in determining teamwork effectiveness.

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